Saturday, October 30, 2010

Joined to the Lord

Here's what occurs to me today....what a marvelous thing, a truth indeed, that we are joined to the Lord!

  In I Corinthians 6:17, good St. Paul wrote to the Corinthian believers "But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him."

  At the moment of our belief in Jesus' sacrifice for our sins and acceptance of Him as Lord over our life, the Holy Spirit comes to reside in us.  Through the Holy Spirit's residence, we are together, joined, married (in the spiritual sense) to God the Father forever.  Is it not like our loving God to think of, create, and make every provision for us to be in complete union with Him?  How much greater a love could we discover?  None!

  This is not like a 3-legged race in a gunny sack where we are joined in a sack and try to run along, stumbling, bumbling, legs coming out, and the race is lost.  No!  It is a joining of hearts, of souls, of spirits, that strengthens us for the race that we complete without hitch, all because God has enabled us to be in union with Him!  This makes Him constantly available to us....24/7.

  Isn't that a complete blessing to enjoy and think upon?

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