Wednesday, November 3, 2010

God Help America

Here's what occurs to me today....

     .....that as we begin a new era due to the midterm elections, may we continue our prayers for our great nation, that our freedoms would be preserved under a smaller, stronger central government that upholds the Constitution and provides health care options that are agreeable to the way we, as citizens, live our lives.

     We stepped up to the plate yesterday, swung our bats, and voted our choice for governmental representatives, and now have to continue in being upright, responsible citizens who voice our concerns to our reps in constructive ways.

     THE most important thing we can do is pray for our nation, our government, those who serve us there, that God would fill them with HIS wisdom, not the "different kinds of wisdom" that Pres. Obama just mentioned in his press conference.  We know from the Bible, that any wisdom that is not of God is evil wisdom.  That is not what our nation needs.  We need God's wisdom, God's Truth, God's guidance, God's light, God's ways of doing things.  We are a country of large and diverse needs, and we can only fulfill those needs with God's help.  It is bigger than any government can handle on its own.  So, let us invite God into the scenario and follow His guidance in government.  That's the vision our Founding Fathers had when they wrote the constitution.  That's the vision that must be restored.  "....if the people have no vision, they will perish."  That's what will continue to happen...people will suffer even more if God is not invited in to help.

    God Help America!


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